"We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change.
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant in the weeks to come. We've been asked to pause for a reality check. We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.
But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. For when we have faced down impossible odds; when we've been told that we're not ready, or that we shouldn't try, or that we can't, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people.
Yes we can."
President Barack Hussein Obama
SwedeLady's Random Keepers
I thrive on random knowledge. I have so many thoughts that I put them here to either organize them or just get them out of my head for a bit. I can't imagine not experiencing the thrill of new information and relearning old information- and so I share it here.
I like the Z-Glass model. However, I would like to put two of them together to have at least two bedrooms. The Harbinger model has less square feet, but room for two beds. I'd most likely end up at Ikea designing the best possible storage arrangements. I would then upgrade to a walk-in tub with a shower curtain or one of these fancy showers.
Anthem by Leonard Cohen
The birds they sang
at the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don't dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
As though I needed another reason to adore Eddie Izzard!
Izzard Gives Private Performance to Terror Victim
Via Jason Kottke
I have had spent quite a bit of time browsing the myriad of lovely things on Etsy. I even purchased several Christmas presents that all turned out to be received with great success. Here are a several things I adore:
Harold and Maude finger-puppets
Jewelery, Jewelery, Jewelery!
NOT these items
"It's a bad idea to break into the house of Thor. Some burglar broke into a house in Edinburgh, Scotland only to run into a man dressed as Thor, the Norse God of Thunder (and a familiar fellow for you Marvel comic book fans). Seems the homeowner was dressed up for a New Year's Eve party in a costume made entirely of tin foil! The crook ran...wouldn't you?"
Via 94.1 KODJ
Via 94.1 KODJ
~The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Random Keepers
I think of myself as an eclectic mix of life trying to balance all forces within my soul. If you were to see my treasured possessions you would better understand me. I also enjoy soup, midnight drives, and vanilla Coca Cola.
Excerpts from Lucia
- Will: "Talk to the hand...nicely." 08/27/10
- (While asleep) "What?! I didn't do that! Oh, I did?" 06/23/10
- "This sucker is a rainbow of mysteries." 05/11/10
- "You're like my servant, 'cept you don't do anything." 05/11/10
- "If I didn't have friends I would have a boring life....well, I could draw..." 04/16/10
- "She had a bad day like a leprechaun." 04/15/10
- "Ship it, missy" 04/15/10
- Lucia: "Will, do you want to go under the tunnel of death?" Will: "Yes, the tunnel of death!!" 01/30/10
- "Mostly crime happens in the middle of the night." 01/22/10
- "Mom, you're warm like a bagel." 12/30/09
- Will: "What's so funny?!" Lucia: "You would know if you were in my head." 12/25/09
- "Well, I don't know what he [WIll] thinks. We're not twins. We're not Irish twins!" 12/14/09
- "You look like a comfy bed, momma." 10/21/09
- "Mom, Will and I are getting our beauty sleep." 10/16/09
- "Will, meet your doom." 10/16/09
- "Mom, Will's being rude to nature!" 10/03/09
- "I'm a super me!" 09/25/09
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